Michael Jackson - Heal the World(歌詞在最下方)
他也是我人生中幾段特殊經驗中的一段, 他的歌曾是二十世紀中最受歡迎的! 即使邁入二十一世紀的今天, 仍不會讓你有"過氣"的感覺, 還是蠻耐聽的!
他曾經來台灣開過演唱會! 那是我唯一參加過的"熱門歌曲的歌手演唱會", 地點在台北市立體育場(台視對面); 從知道他要來, 便和妹妹計畫要去參加! 票價當然不便宜, 如果我沒記錯, 我們買的是兩千多元的票, 是沒有座位的, 想當然爾, 他的演唱會, 你怎麼可能坐的住?!
演唱會當天和妹妹很興奮的進入會場, 除了傻眼, 還真不知有什麼其他的形容詞可以用! 我們眼前的舞台, 大概只有你把雙手伸直拿的小筆電那麼大(因為我們的位置實在很遠), 等 Micheal 出場, 我還特地比了一下, 他比我的"五小妞妞"(尾指)還小、還短, 加上大家都很興奮, 又唱又跳, 像我們這種身高的人, 連舞台都看不清楚! 還記得當時現場的人有六、七萬人以上, 主辦單位大概也想到這種狀況, 因此現場有大螢幕直播, 而且音箱就在我們那區的後方, 我們就靠著這兩樣東西, 度過這場演唱會!
這場演唱會讓我真的知道一件事 ─ 人多的地方, 真的會有被踩死的可能!
現再回想起來也是一件趣事! 如果現在辦演唱會, 我肯定不會再去, 網路這麼方便, 我可以先泡杯茶, 按幾個鍵, 在冷氣間欣賞影片就好, 中間還可以暫停, 何必去和年輕人比高、搶位置! 這當然不是指那種音樂廳的表演, 那種有冷氣和豪華座椅的演出, 還是要在現場, 感動會更直接!
Micheal 真的是一個很有才華的人!
在幕前的表演, 令人稱佩! 我並不是喜歡他這個人, 但是我肯定他的表演!
我想他並不知道, 他給我們的影響是什麼? 我看著他一路成長的改變(我比他小, 只是他太早出道), 從天真到自信到他開始漂白, 性格轉變, 結婚、有了孩子, 和不斷的負面新聞出現! 我對他的想法也從"好厲害"、"怎麼這樣"....一直到現在的"唉";他的人生算是一場悲劇? 還是一場鬧劇?
如果我用媽媽的角度來看, 我只能說, 他身上看不到"家庭教育"應該給的價值觀和信心! 身為家長的我, 我知道短短十到十五年的孩子人格養成期, 對孩子日後的人生, 有何其大的影響! 要如何讓孩子知道你愛他、支持他、永遠挺他的心意, 會幫他走在正常的軌道上, 即便遇到挫折也會有站起來的力量!
Micheal 彷彿"楚門世界"的生活, 一生中沒有得到從穩定關係得來的愛, 是件讓我替他心痛的部分! 他在意別人眼中的自己, 為了想變成更多人愛的自己, 他到底付出了什麼代價? 儘管他擁有我ㄧ輩子都不可能有的財富, 但是Micheal 在我眼中, 他很窮, 窮到所有的事物, 都必須以金錢的價值來衡量和交換, 這樣的人生, 我絕對不要!!!!!!!
我想補充一段當年很感動人的一首歌, 為了非洲人民,長期處於飢荒與營養不良而死亡所唱;「四海一家」 (We are the World) 這首歌是由萊納李奇和麥可傑克森合寫, 兩人費了四天的時間寫曲, 萊納先完成一部分, 麥可看到後靈感大發, 一夜之間就把全曲寫好。之後他們又花了兩個半小時作詞, 為了普遍推廣此曲,歌詞也力求簡單易學。單曲完成後推出問世, 受到的歡迎難以想!
There comes a time when we heed a certain call (Lionel Richie)
When the world must come together as one (Lionel Richie & Stevie Wonder)
There are people dying (Stevie Wonder)
Oh, and it's time to lend a hand to life (Paul Simon)
The greatest gift of all (Paul Simon/Kenny Rogers)
We can't go on pretending day by day (Kenny Rogers)
That someone, somehow will soon make a change (James Ingram)
We're all a part of God's great big family (Tina Turner)
And the truth (Billy Joel)
You know love is all we need (Tina Turner/Billy Joel)
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving (Michael Jackson)
There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives (Diana Ross)
It's true we'll make a better day just you and me (Michael Jackson/Diana Ross)
Well, send'em you your heart so they know that someone cares (Dionne Warwick)
And their lives will be stronger and free (Dionne Warwick/Willie Nelson)
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread (Willie Nelson)
And so we all must lend a helping hand (Al Jurreau)
We are the world, we are the children (Bruce Springsteen)
We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving (Kenny Loggins)
There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives (Steve Perry from Journey)
It's true we'll make a better day just you and me (Daryl Hall)
When you're down and out there seems no hope at all (Michael Jackson)
But if you just believe there's no way we can fall (Huey from Huey Lewis and the News)
Well, well, well, let's realize that a change can only come (Cyndi Lauper)
When we (Kim Carnes)
stand together as one (Kim Carnes/Cyndi Lauper/Huey Lewis)
Heal The World
Lyrics:Michael Jackson Music:Michael Jackson
(Think about, um, the generations,
and that we want to make it a better place for
our children and our children's children
so that they know it's a better world for them.
I think they can make it a better place.)
There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place
You'll feel there's no hurt or sorrow
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space
Make a better place
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me
If you want to know why
There's a love that cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares for joyful giving
If we try
We shall see
In this bliss we cannot feel
Fear or dread
We stop existing and start living
Then it feels that always
Love's enough for us growing
Make a better world
Make a better world...
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me
And the dream we were conceived in will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Would this earth crucify its soul?
Though it's plain to see
This world is heavenly
Be God's glow
We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart
I feel you are all my brothers
Create a world
With no fear
Together we'll cry happy tears
See the nations turn their swords into plowshares
We could
Really get there
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space
To make a better place
Heal the world
Make it a better place